Taiste Talks – What is sustainable design?
Tuomas Jalamo

Taiste Talks – What is sustainable design?

In this episode of Taiste Talks, we tackle the topic of sustainable design. What does it mean? How can designers and companies apply it in their everyday decision-making?

Sustainable design is often the result of an overarching philosophy that guides all decisions when creating products and services. How can companies and individual designers take this into account in their work?

In this episode of our video podcast, we take a deep dive into this complex and timely topic. Joining us in the studio, we have Anna Savisaari, Design Product Owner of Aalto University, and our very own UX Designer Karoliina Lundahl. Both dream of a world where sustainable practices in design would be the norm. Tune in and hear what they have to say!

Listen/watch the episode on Spotify. For a version with English subtitles, head on over to YouTube.

Tuomas Jalamo

A Swiss Army knife of communications, marketing, project management and concept design. Also a musician, movie buff and game enthusiast.

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Tuomas Jalamo

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